How to increase steam download speed
How to increase steam download speed

how to increase steam download speed

The platform has thousands of servers around the world. Modifying this factor also influences the download speed of games on Steam. Finally, Steam will proceed to restart.Click OK when asked to continue and Steam will delete temporary files that are in the cache.You'll see this option near the bottom of the tab. Choose «Downloads « among the available options.Select the "Settings" tab from the drop-down menu.Click on the "Steam" tab in the navigation bar at the top.To do this, you will have to follow the following instructions: Therefore, it will also be good for you to eliminate it. This is another factor that could be influencing the slowing down of speed download. Click OK to confirm action and restart Steam.Select "Download restrictions" and click on "Limit bandwidth to" in the menu that will appear.Click on the "Steam" button on the navigation bar at the top and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.Follow the steps below to modify this limit and you will have your game installed more quickly: Otherwise, Steam will only have access to a small percentage of the speed that you have contracted. Steam may have a bandwidth restriction in place, so we recommend that you remove the limit bandwidth download on this platform. This factor could be slowing down the download speed of games and their updates. 4 Close applications that use the Internet.

how to increase steam download speed


If you like this article, check out how to delay Steam client startup in Windows. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible. Though the option is buried deep within the settings, once you know where to find it, things are really easy. All you have to do is select a download speed from the dropdown menu and you are done. Unlike in the older Steam client, you don’t need to edit config files to limit the download speed. Wrapping UpĪs you can see, limiting download speed in Steam is far easier than you think. When divided, you will get effective speed in KBps. The same example is applicable even if your speed is designated in Kbps. If that’s the case, to find the real download and upload speeds, you need to divide your advertised internet speed by 8.įor example, if you have a 20 Mbps connection then the effective download speed you get from your internet service provider is 20/8 = 2.5 Mega bytes (MBps) per second. Download Speed – Kbps & Mbps VS KBps & MBpsĪll most all internet service providers (ISPs) advertise their speed either in Kbps (Kilo bits per second) or Mbps (Mega bits per second). To revert back and remove the download limit in the Steam client, simply follow the same steps as above but select “No limit” from the dropdown menu in step 4.

how to increase steam download speed

Since I chose to limit Steam client use only 10 Mbps, the effective download speed is 1MB per second and I have the additional 10 Mbps bandwidth for other internet activities like browsing and streaming. You can instantly see the download throttling on the Steam downloads page. On the right panel, select the download speed from the “Limit bandwidth to” dropdown menu.Īs soon as you select the download speed and save changes, Steam client will limit the download speed.On the left panel, select the “ Downloads” tab.These are the steps you should follow to limit Steam client download speed. Let me show you how Steps to Limit Steam Download Speed

how to increase steam download speed

Limiting the download speed will make the other internet activities smooth and painless. To avoid that, you can simply limit the Steam download speed. However, if the games are big then steam using up all the available bandwidth can really hamper your daily browsing and other internet activities. If the games are small then the bandwidth consumption may not be a big deal. For instance, I have a 20 Mbps connection and Steam uses all of it no problem. Most of the time, Steam will max out most home user’s internet bandwidth. The thing I really like about the Steam client is that it downloads games very fast.

How to increase steam download speed